A unified performance evaluation model in competitive environmen tby combining of data envelopment analysis, balanced scorecard and game theory-case study: Cement companies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Urmia University of Technology, I.R. Iran

2 Assisstant professor of industrial engineering-,قئهش عدهرثقسهفغ خب فثزادخمخلغDepartment of Industrial Engineering, Urmia University of Technology, I.R. Iran

3 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kharazmi University, I.R. Iran


In this paper, a comprehensive and simplified model for industries’ performance evaluation and performance measurement is offered. We use the balanced scorecard as a framework for the continuous DEA models. This means that we used four output-oriented DEA models with variable returns to scale, for each of the four aspects of BSC and used the indicators tailored to each BSC aspects as inputs and outputs of DEA models. In this model we use the bargaining game theory to show the impact of bargaining power of units in the competitive environment. Thus,we offer a holistic approach to evaluating and improving the performance of the industries in a competitive environment. Finally, by providing a case study of 17 cement companies of the holding of Shasta (Social Security Investment Company) to run the model and offer solutions to improve the poor performance of units. Results imply the power of the proposed model in evaluating the overall performance of the units and a key advantage over previous models.


Main Subjects

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