In this paper, a bi-objective resource availability cost problem (RACP) is studied, in which the first objective function tries to minimize the completion time of the project, and the second one tries to minimize the total resource costs. Due to the problem complexity, three developed meta-heuristic algorithms, namely NSGA-II and NRGA and MOPSO, are applied to solve the model. To evaluate the algorithms, a set of tests’ problem are considered. In addition, a MADM approach called TOPSIS is employed to compare the algorithms' results. Finally, the sensitivity analysis in terms of problem’s performance is fulfilled.
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Najafi, A. A. , and Arjmand, M. . "Three Developed Meta-heuristic Algorithms to Solve RACP Minimizing Makespan and Total Resource Costs Simultaneously", Advances in Industrial Engineering, 50, 3, 2016, 471-482. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2016.63178
Najafi, A. A., Arjmand, M. (2016). 'Three Developed Meta-heuristic Algorithms to Solve RACP Minimizing Makespan and Total Resource Costs Simultaneously', Advances in Industrial Engineering, 50(3), pp. 471-482. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2016.63178
A. A. Najafi and M. Arjmand, "Three Developed Meta-heuristic Algorithms to Solve RACP Minimizing Makespan and Total Resource Costs Simultaneously," Advances in Industrial Engineering, 50 3 (2016): 471-482, doi: 10.22059/jieng.2016.63178
Najafi, A. A., Arjmand, M. Three Developed Meta-heuristic Algorithms to Solve RACP Minimizing Makespan and Total Resource Costs Simultaneously. Advances in Industrial Engineering, 2016; 50(3): 471-482. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2016.63178