Today, fiber-optic due to its higher bandwidth and cost effective in compare with other similar technologies is one of the most important tools of data transfer. In this paper, an integrated mathematical model is presented for the three-level network of fiber-optic by considering the backbone network and local access networks simultaneously. Used topologies in its levels are respectively ring, star, and star. The purpose of this model is determine the location of the central hubs and concentrators, communication of central hubs and also assign each user to one of the concentrators such that the costs of the fiber link and installation the concentrators get minimize as well as providing the bandwidth required per user. Due to NP-hardness of this problem, small size of proposed model validated by GAMS software, then the model is solved by two meta-heuristic methods of DE and GA in large-sizes and the results of the two algorithms have been compared in terms of time and objective function value. The result shows the required time to achieve optimum solution in the DE is less than GA and also DE has better performance in small and medium-sized of problem but for the large size of problem the GA algorithm is better than DE
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Rabbani, M. , , Ravanbakhsh, M. , and Taheri, M. . "Designing of fiber-optic network for the three-level by considering the backbone network and local access networks simultaneously", Advances in Industrial Engineering, 52, 3, 2018, 379-388. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2019.128470.945
Rabbani, M., Ravanbakhsh, M., Taheri, M. (2018). 'Designing of fiber-optic network for the three-level by considering the backbone network and local access networks simultaneously', Advances in Industrial Engineering, 52(3), pp. 379-388. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2019.128470.945
M. Rabbani , M. Ravanbakhsh and M. Taheri, "Designing of fiber-optic network for the three-level by considering the backbone network and local access networks simultaneously," Advances in Industrial Engineering, 52 3 (2018): 379-388, doi: 10.22059/jieng.2019.128470.945
Rabbani, M., Ravanbakhsh, M., Taheri, M. Designing of fiber-optic network for the three-level by considering the backbone network and local access networks simultaneously. Advances in Industrial Engineering, 2018; 52(3): 379-388. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2019.128470.945