Correct selection of projects The first step is project-based organizations in the targeted management of project portfolios. This is a complex process selection that includes many factors and considerations. Market conditions, global rapid changes in various dimensions and other related issues in the real environment have increased the uncertainty and ignorance of these issues. It is therefore necessary to provide models for showing the real status of the organization and its goals and preferences. In this paper, the goal is to provide a fuzzy fuzzy multi-objective model for the portfolio of rail transport projects considering the uncertainties in variables; budget, time needed to complete the project, environmental pollution, risk, and quality. In this model, minimizing environmental pollution, maximizing quality, minimizing the risk and cost of projects under inflation is considered in the objectives of the problem. Due to the fact that the model was presented, a particle swarm algorithm was used to solve the problem, and finally, the results were compared with the genetic algorithm in order to measure the efficiency.
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Azizmohammadi, R. , , Jafarieskandari, M. , and Hagh Nazari, N. . "Proposing a fuzzy multi objective model for green project portfolio under inflation", Advances in Industrial Engineering, 52, 3, 2018, 433-444. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2019.254043.1553
Azizmohammadi, R., Jafarieskandari, M., Hagh Nazari, N. (2018). 'Proposing a fuzzy multi objective model for green project portfolio under inflation', Advances in Industrial Engineering, 52(3), pp. 433-444. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2019.254043.1553
R. Azizmohammadi , M. Jafarieskandari and N. Hagh Nazari, "Proposing a fuzzy multi objective model for green project portfolio under inflation," Advances in Industrial Engineering, 52 3 (2018): 433-444, doi: 10.22059/jieng.2019.254043.1553
Azizmohammadi, R., Jafarieskandari, M., Hagh Nazari, N. Proposing a fuzzy multi objective model for green project portfolio under inflation. Advances in Industrial Engineering, 2018; 52(3): 433-444. doi: 10.22059/jieng.2019.254043.1553