Designing a multi-objective programming model for the hydrocarbon products using Fuzzy Credibility-Constrained programming -Benders Decomposition Algorithm


1 Department of industrial engineering, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran



The hydrocarbon supply chain (HCSC) includes the extraction, refinement, distribution, and consumption of petroleum products, making it an integral part of the world economy. Considering the importance of planning this for the chain’s activities, it is necessary to simultaneously review and optimize these activities by incorporating the important and influential factors. The problem considered in this research has three objectives, namely maximizing profits, minimizing withdrawal from reservoirs, and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions that were optimized and compared with deterministic solution, Fuzzy credibility-constrained programming, and Benders decomposition algorithm. The results demonstrated that using these methods, the profit level in a specific time (10 periods) improved by 18% compared to the current point. Therefore, the proposed model helps decision-makers balance national strategic decisions, optimal production, and distribution with the best policy. This article also used a numerical example for distribution, refinement, and extraction locations as a supply chain of petroleum products. Finally, the sensitivity analysis shows that the optimization results are robust to parameter changes and can further improve the optimization of the oil and gas supply chain by maintaining different balances, such as natural resources, and reducing environmental effects. This paper presents new solutions for optimizing oil and gas supply chains and creates more possibilities to improve the performance of these systems.


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