Resilient Logistics: Ensuring Oil Industry Supply Chain Continuity in a Sanctioned Era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Buein Zahra Technical University, Buein Zahra, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Buein Zahra Technical University, Buein Zahra, Qazvin, Iran.


This research investigates the critical factors influencing supply chain logistics in environments burdened by sanctions. We identified key considerations for selecting reliable suppliers through a comprehensive literature review and in-depth qualitative interviews with logistics consultants, logistics service providers, business authorities, and economic development experts. Our analysis utilized the Fuzzy Best-Worst Method (FBWM) and Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS) to evaluate supplier selection indicators. The research provides actionable insights for oil and gas companies operating in sanctioned environments. By prioritizing financial resilience, secure payment channels, and reliable service delivery, companies can enhance their supply chain resilience and mitigate the negative impacts of sanctions. Findings also reveal that financial flexibility and secure, untraceable financial channels are paramount for navigating sanctions. Companies that can maintain financial operations through intermediaries or their home country, and those able to flexibly manage costs by accepting alternative payment methods, are seen as reliable partners. Additionally, delivering services at the required standard remains a core expectation. Environmental sustainability factors, such as environmental competence and management systems, while important in non-sanctioned environments, are deemed less critical under sanctions. Ultimately, successful supply chain logistics in sanctioned environments necessitates a reliable and flexible approach that maintains multiple options for equipment, finances, and shipping through a network of semi-private domestic companies operating abroad.


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