Keywords = Simulated annealing algorithm
A Hybrid Metaheuristic Method for Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery

Volume 51, Issue 1, April 2017, Pages 101-115


MohammadReza Ghatreh Samani; Seyyed-Mahdi Hosseini-Motlagh; Saeed Yaghoubi; Abbas Jokar

Truck Sequencing and Dock Assignment in a Cross-docking System

Volume 50, Issue 2, October 2016, Pages 177-189


Jamal Arkat; Parak Qods; Fardin Ahmadizar

Production and Transportation Scheduling and Allocation of Orders in the Supply Chain

Volume 50, Issue 2, October 2016, Pages 191-203


Mohammad Ali Beheshtinia; Amir Ghasemi; Moein Farokhnia

Robust optimization of integrated reverse logistic network design at uncertain conditions

Volume 49, Issue 2, October 2015, Pages 299-313


Abolghasem Yousefi Babadi; Davood Shishebori